
Embracing Freedom: My Summer Social Media Sabbatical as a Social Media Strategist

In 2023, I chose “FREEDOM” as my guiding word – the freedom to act, to be. This is more than a concept; it’s a core value in my business. As spring blossomed, I found myself reflecting on the past nine months, assessing how I’ve lived this vision. The energy of...

Efficient Content Creation: Transform One Idea Across Multiple Platforms with Kathleen Amy

In This Episode: The power of content repurposing, conducting a platform audit and finding your core topics, the repurposing strategy itself, plus practical examples of how you can transform a single piece of content into a multi-platform powerhouse.

Heart-Centred Entrepreneurship – Aligning Values with Business Vision

In This Episode: What is alignment in business and why it is crucial, the essence of alignment, Kathleen’s personal reflection, plus five key questions to achieve better business alignment.

Crafting a Transformative Business Vision with Kathleen Amy 

In This Episode: Understanding vision (and the difference between your mission), vision crafting strategies and tips for practical integration, plus vision as a motivator through different seasons.